
Happy Valentine’s Day friends! I hope you have been enjoying Romance Month here with Norah Guide, and if you haven’t, it’s not too late! Just LinkIn with us to catch some fun videos, or follow my About Me or Pinterest page to make sure you don’t miss a single thing. Today we are not going to think so hard about love, I thought I would tell you a love story to celebrate this special day. And no, this isn’t The Notebook or even Romeo and Juliet. Today it will be the love story that started this day way back when, the story of Cupid and Psyche. Read More »

We’ve been discussing those astrological bodies that show up in our natal charts and horoscopes, and in our solar return charts as well. While it is useful to know where the main planets lie in our charts, knowing the placement of our additional celestial bodies provides some guidance as well. You don’t NEED to know where these bodies are in your chart, but why wouldn’t you want to if you could access that additional information? It would not be any different than getting a variety of tests from the doctor. Let’s say the doctor tells you your health is excellent. Not a bad idea to take his word for it, but when you get some bloodwork that confirms that, all the better right? So studying these celestial bodies helps us tremendously in simply validating where we are headed in life. Today Norah Guide is going to discuss the role of Juno, ah, the Queen of the Goddesses. Read More »

How to relate to Venus in any sign

Venus through the signsThe Golden Rule of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” doesn’t always work because it assumes everyone wants to be treated the same way. For instance, you might love it if someone flatters you, but some people are suspicious of compliments. The more you learn about astrology, the more you realize that sun signs are only a part of the picture.  If you’re interested in having a romance—or even just a friendship or positive work relationship—with someone, try to find out about their natal Venus. Venus’ sign can reveal a lot about what a person need in order to relate to someone.
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