
Hello friends, I hope you all have been enjoying our journey with Mercury as much as I have! Today we are wrapping up the Mercury series, but fret not friends and followers as I will not leave you empty handed. If you have any questions about the Mercury placement in your chart you can always touch base with me directly via Facebook or Twitter. Once we wrap up this series today we are going to turn to another planet for some exciting discussions on the transit series, but more on that later! Today we look at Mercury in the 10th house, in the 11th house, and in the 12th house. What does it mean if this is where Mercury appears in your chart? Well let’s get to it! Read More »

We’ve been discussing those astrological bodies that show up in our natal charts and horoscopes, and in our solar return charts as well. While it is useful to know where the main planets lie in our charts, knowing the placement of our additional celestial bodies provides some guidance as well. You don’t NEED to know where these bodies are in your chart, but why wouldn’t you want to if you could access that additional information? It would not be any different than getting a variety of tests from the doctor. Let’s say the doctor tells you your health is excellent. Not a bad idea to take his word for it, but when you get some bloodwork that confirms that, all the better right? So studying these celestial bodies helps us tremendously in simply validating where we are headed in life. Today Norah Guide is going to discuss the role of Juno, ah, the Queen of the Goddesses. Read More »

If you have ever had your birth chart, natal chart, or solar return chart calculated for you, you probably were a little overwhelmed by the amount of information you received. You likely recognized much of it, but not all of it, and maybe not even most of it. The more detailed your chart, the more information you have in front of you in terms of why things are the way they are in your life now, in the past, as well as a pretty good outlook on what is in store for you in the future. One complex detail many people see in their natal chart is the mention of “Vesta”. Where is Vesta located in your chart? The answer is not going to make or break your life, but it will pin point some very interesting things about you. When I found out my Vesta was in Virgo, I kind of went Ah Hah! THAT explains a LOT. Let Norah Guide help you reach this point of enlightenment as well. Read More »

Vesta: Your Inner Flame

For period of less than four decades in the early 19th century, there were four additional planets in the solar system: Ceres, Pallas Athene, Juno and Vesta. These heavenly bodies named for Greek goddesses were demoted, just as Pluto was more recently, to the status of asteroids. However, many astrologers find it useful to cast natal charts which include the positions of these asteroids as they can answer questions about specific aspects of an individual’s personality left unanswered by the rest of the chart.
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The astrology of commitment: the asteroid Juno

The goddess Juno was the wife of Jupiter, king of the gods in Roman mythology. Her name graces the month of June, known as the peak time for weddings.  The position of the asteroid Juno can reveal much about where you meet your mate, when seal your union and the kind of person who will best complement you.

While Venus rules the initial spark of attraction and affection which brings us together with someone, Juno rules the qualities necessary for commitment.  This includes the positive traits like compatibility, sharing and trust as well as the darker sides of commitment such as anger, power struggles, possessiveness and jealousy.  If you are wondering if someone is spouse material or just a passing fling, you might want to check out about Juno’s sign and house position in that person’s chart.
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