Sun sign astrology: Gemini women


Multifaceted Geminis

As you study astrology, you will notice that traits of different zodiac signs can manifest slightly differently in women and men.  Since culturally certain traits receive more praise in men, and while others are discouraged as unmasculine, men may have a harder time expressing the energy of some signs, such as nurturing Cancer or intuitive Pisces.  On the other hand, the fierce individuality of Aries is often lauded in men but may be criticized in women.

The signs of the zodiac all have a masculine or feminine polarity: air and fire are masculine, earth and water are considered feminine.  However, one sign is known for having some of the qualities of both genders: Gemini. In this column, we will look at Gemini energy in women.  Gemini men will be discussed in a future blog entry.

The combo platter

Geminis are intrigued by the variety the world offers and want to explore as much of it as they can.  This may include different fields of study; diverse career paths and a wide range of acquaintances from all walks of life.  Gemini women often pride themselves on being flexible and open-minded enough to have friends with divergent, even opposing philosophies.  They want to sample a little bit of everything they can.


Many Geminis to learn to speak, read and write a bit earlier than their peers.  By the time they are in their teens, they can produce highly intelligent reports for their classes.  They have also usually mastered the arts of flattering and flirting with people who win their approval while coming out with witty putdowns for people they dislike.  They very often go into careers which allow them to use this verbal agility such as public relations, journalism, comedy or novel writer.


Gemini women hate to be thought of as ordinary.  Some Geminis deliberately cultivate an unusual style of dress and appearance.  Even a more conservative Gemini woman may have a unique hair style or particular accessory which serves as her style signature.  For most women born under this sign, it is a worse insult to be called boring than to be called odd or strange.

Manual Dexterity

Geminis tend to be good with their hands.  Some Gemini women may enthusiastically engage in crafts, perhaps even selling their wares on Etsy or at fairs.  Others may apply this skill to a traditionally male occupation such as woodworking or car mechanic.


Gemini women love to flirt.  They may automatically flirt with someone they find attractive even if they are married and have no intention of pursuing the flirtation any further.  They also need their partners to continue to engage flirt with them even after years of wedded bliss.  They will be both insulted and bored if their spouse only talks to them about practical matters.


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